PTSA - Gift Aid
Want to enhance your children’s education?
If so, please donate to Southam College PTA through the Gift Aid scheme. Budgets are always tight not least in education. With your help, the college can buy much needed extra equipment that helps to enhance your children’s education. PLEASE TAKE PART. This is an easy way in which everyone can be involved in supporting the College, especially if you are unable to attend fund raising events as often as you would wish.
How do I pay?
You pay your donation by Standing Order either annually or quarterly. You will never be
hassled for renewal donations. If you decide that you no longer want to donate through this scheme, you simply advise the College and tell your bank to stop payments.
Can I pay by cheque?
For ease of administration, standing orders are much preferred but if you’d rather, you can pay at the beginning of the school year, or at any time, by cheque made payable to ‘Southam College PTA Gift Aid’
Just complete below and return to the College student office in an envelope marked “Gift Aid” and we will do the rest.
Need more information?
Contact Nicola Hobson (Treasurer) email