We are all parents of children at the school. Our Chair is Alison Stewart, Vice Chair is Rachael Pelter, Treasurer – Nic Hobson and Secretary – Nicola Ryder. Other Committee members are Kirsty Elliott, Gordon Hayes, Delia Caruana and Mairead McGloin.
We also have a group of PTSA helpers who whilst they don’t want to commit to the Committee come along and help us run events (selling raffle tickets/ making teas and coffees – that sort of thing when we’re able to!)
We are ALWAYSlooking for Committee members and helpers so please get in touch if you can help!
What we do….
Each year we aim to raise over £10k for the school to spend on equipment or improvements that enhance the students experience at the school. In the school year 2018/19 we supported over £7000 worth of additional supplies for school including stage blocks, football kits, visualisers, library books, board games. This year before lockdown we funded £3000 worth of PE equipment, iPads, Drama supplies and Art supplies. We are especially proud to have donated £1500 worth of recycling stations across the school. We have regularly support Wellness Week, Amnesty International youth group and Mindfulness Week.
How we do it…
- Support events such as the Dance Production, Southam’s Got Talent, MusicFest by providing refreshments and running raffles
- Run our own events – Quiz Night, Family Bingo Night
- Operate a ‘100 Club’ – quarterly draw, numbers available
- Donations – many families choose to make an annual or quarterly donation to the school
- easyfundraising/ Amazon Smile
- Match Funding
How can you help….
- Start using easyfundraisingtoday!
- Sign up for 100 Club
- Complete the GIFT AID declaration, especially if you are planning on donating at any point. Charity Commission rules say we HAVE to have your signed declaration to claim back the tax.
- Do you work for a company that Match Funds? If yes, please let us know and we’ll talk to you in more detail about how you could help
- Raffle prizes and cakes. Anything you can donate for eventsis ALWAYS gratefully received!
Contacts and Info:
Check out our page on the school website
We also have a Facebook group – please like and follow the page
Our email address is